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Lightning orchids... Hard to capture the sparkle in the leaves but they look fantastic in the sun!

I don't see the issue here... I'd take on the world for my cats and dogs!

Not saying I don't appreciate the reminder... But at some point someone needs to say "Hey, this might be a little excessive... "

At what point does the 2023 Congress take the mantel as the most inept congress in the history of the United States?
Also, Gaetz should resign no matter what... How many Dik-piks are allowed to be sent to underage girls before the GOP deems him an embarrassment?

Because of course he has... Might as well be Jew-ish AND racist AND bi-racial at the same time, right?

She's just mad that her team couldn't do sober what the Dems could do while drunk. 😂 🥂

What kind of competition does this Neanderthal have that makes her the best choice to elect? Seriously!! Who could possibly be more F'd up than her? I mean other than Blowbart...

Love the wind visualizations, @MyRadar!! Not sure I'm enjoying being this close to the center of this low pressure system, tho!

Install this and enable app tracking protection, even if you never use it for browsing... You'll thank me later...

Want to see some actual numbers concerning how many times individual apps send out tracking data? This was within the last 5 minutes of taking the screenshot...

Just so you know who your enemies are...
Protect freedom of the press!

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