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You know you're house-poor when you need to sell the furniture and appliances to pay for it!!!

Lunar Marsrise. I love this! I love that it was captured from the ground by an atrophotographer, Andrew McCarthy. Such a wonderful and rare photo!

@MyRadar Here was the last crippling storm we had... Making the best out of an inconvenient situation. 😎

Getting a little over enthusiastic there, @MyRadar? It's Buffalo... This is just another Friday... Lol

So I started on these this morning, and just noticed that after the first batch, IT STARTED TO SNOW!!! Not sure I was ready for that...
Happy first snow, Western NY!!!

Some prompt magic... From top left to bottom right, 1-6, which one do you like best? Poll in the reply

Good morning, all. Prompt testing once again... Here's a little something seasonal... Yet not too festive. Too early for that noise!

Working on a "Witches in the Woods" series... Going to take some special prompt-crafting to get these looking good.

Models and scenes are looking better... 1 semi-nude in this batch...

The prompt in stable diffusion: "Whatever you want to create, any lighting, any resolution, unreal engine 5"
The Result:

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