
Hello! New here, no idea how to navigate, but not afraid to figure it out. Looks like a nice place to be. Tribel is where I've been, for the last few months. It has gotten really bad, since Twitter floundered. Many trolls, and very nasty. Weighing out whether I want to remain. But nice to be here!

Greetings and Salutations

Updating your egg (avi) helps everyone know you made it in safely. While you are reading through the firehose, feel free to join in any conversation. We’re really a friendly bunch.

Check out the User Guide and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, sent out a post and you’ll
typically receive an answer from other CoSo users.

You can also check out @CoSoTips for other quick tricks.

Hi! I lasted almost 2 days on Tribel. It was ghostly weird, very few signs of human interaction. And the site itself kept asking me things. Anyways…

Welcome! 💐

@SuzE43_ Welcome to our world . We are a friendly bunch. Feel free to join any convo.

User Guide:

@SuzE43_ welcome to CoSo! Best thing about this community is Jester ensures it’s secure and free of trash. I hope you enjoy it here. :)

@SuzE43_ who is your favourite performer? We have all kinds of music here, check out to see who is sharing

@SuzE43_ Well, it took me a few days are kind of feeling around. The user manual helped, and there is also cosotips. I do like it here, and I'm spending more time. Barry

@SuzE43_ the cracked egg where you avatar should be tells everybody you are a newby. Upload one in your settings.

@SuzE43_ Put any subject you might be interested in in the search box, some has tag choices will appear, click on one and pin the column onto your page.

@SuzE43_ Welcome! If you have question, feel free to ask. The user guide is here: and CoSoTips can be helpful too. I hope you enjoy.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.