Why can’t I change my cracked egg profile pic?
@Valkyrie_D can’t even upload an image to even save anything
@StuDavies woohoo!! I see you got it to work! 🙌 💕
@Valkyrie_D yes! Finally!
@Valkyrie_D got it!
@StuDavies Here is the link to the Help info. Getting started covers everything you need to know to update your profile. Welcome! :)
Maybe the image is too big?
@StuDavies click on your name above the comunication box
Read the user guide. It will tell you.
@StuDavies 👋
Welcome to CoSo !
Nice to have you here
Check out the user guide link in the comments of your post
That can usually explain things better than I can
but always feel free to ask us anything any time, as we were all new once
Read the user guide. Did you look for it yet?
Most people have problems because they don't realize the button to save changes is way down the page -- you have to scroll to get to it.
@StuDavies you have to scroll down to save the changes after you upload your new avatar.