
Last time Republicans were in charge you couldn't buy toilet paper, there were so many dead we had to use reefer trucks as morgues, unemployment was double digits, businesses were failing in record numbers, and Trump was on Twitter telling you to put light bulbs up your ass.

@Stonekettle to be fair, they don’t have a platform other than “owning the libs “.

And Republicans are chomping at the bit to do it all over again. Watching people suffer unnecessarily seems to be their forte.
Chaos, Discrimination and Culture Wars are what Republicans believe make America great. 🙄

@Stonekettle So true.

March 2020 I was huddled in my house thinking I'd never see my kids again.

My goat, are scum.

@Stonekettle "Yeah but if Democrats had been in charge it would have been worse."

@Stonekettle I still have PTSD from listening to the audio recordings of babies at border facilities after we tore them away from their families.😢

@Stonekettle Yup. And, I'm not sure if you heard about this, but the last sitting Republican President tried to get his VP killed while also trying to overthrow the government.


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