Oh hell. What have I done?
@0x56 Hand on, lemme get another cup of coffee before you start.
And the bourbon.
@Stonekettle @0x56 Brother, you got skillz! Thanks for bringing such a refreshing wave of recruits to the CoSo platform.
@Stonekettle @0x56 😂😂😂
@Stonekettle You have some really nice, interesting people following you.
Whatever you did.
I'm glad you did it.
@Stonekettle Changed the world!
@Stonekettle We’ll follow you anywhere. Can’t believe I just said that.
"What you always do- turn certain death into a fighting chance for survival"
Bones to Cpt. Kirk
@Stonekettle - I'm betting whatever it was you did, you enjoyed it thoroughly and have no regrets.
My question is ...
What haven't you done ?
@Vikky Yeah. That's probably the right question.
@Stonekettle - a lot. Where do you want us to start?