
Heat dome settling in tomorrow, it was nice knowing y’all

@Stevo I asked bcuz honestly, I'd be almost happy for at least 1 hr of 39F today. LOL

@TrueBloodNet Where are you at? If I want to be 100% honest, i'm okay with the heat although it does make sleeping a bit more difficult. I complain enough all winter about the cold that I feel complaining about the heat would be overdoing it a little lol

@Stevo SE MI. I have no personal complaints about the winter but I wish the builders hadn't brought the pipes up outside the slab in the kitchen...

I hate heat though. Anything higher than 85-86F is simply unnecessary. I will adjust slightly (I barely survived El Paso for 2 years) Bigger issue is I neither have, nor want, AC. Plus my asshat neighbor killed 4 of my shrubs/trees on the west side of the house last year that help insulate the house.

@TrueBloodNet seems like we won’t be getting any rain before at least Friday

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