Biden just inviting the republicans to take everything by saying Ukraine isn't ready to be party of NATO. What a spectacularly stupid thing to say.
@AskTheDevil I find it stupid because you're revealing your hand to Russia that so long as they continue this war, they don't have to worry about Ukraine joining Nato.
@AskTheDevil You do make some good points.
@Stevo It's only stupid if you assume that his claimed purpose is the same as his actual purpose. It only seems crazy if you assume his agenda is the same as yours.
Mr. Biden doesn't want to kill us all, or lock us all in camps (probably).
That does not mean he really works for all of us. He's spent a lifetime working for the interests of the top, and paying lip service to the rest.
I feel like the goal here is to make Ukraine a vassal state, beholden and in debt, without a say of their own.