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I'm happy to announce that starting today, five poems from my Hypnopompic Diaries series will be posted at the Eratio website. My thanks to the editor Gregory Vincent St Thomasino for publishing my work there. I hope you'll all click over, then browse around and check out all the other great stuff on Eratio.

I did my first poetry reading in a year and a half today, reading Brain Soliloquys, the latest volume of my hypnopompic diaries series, on facebook live. The video is now posted on my YouTube channel.

I'm excited to announce that three of my poems are now live in the 70th (and alas, final) issue of Otoliths, joining the fabulous company of Bob Heman, Heath Brougher, Mark DC, Stephen Bett, Sheila Murphy, Jim Leftwich and far too many others to mention here. A big thank you to Mark Young for publishing my writing and congratulations on bringing 70 issues of Otoliths into the world.

I shed
cough on my shroud

don't bang a clown
cause zoos are loud
I'm not cowed

you've got too strange for evil sprays maybe
then my strummed loam maybe
my mouse is lark and I've brought star-fold
your clanging sound rabies
with sheen and shone and a blue-nosed shrew

the strong and blinding toad
that speeds through your poor
will never diss a peer
I've greened that toad, pre-spoor

*I'd* read a book of poems called "The Brain Soliloquys", wouldn't you?

A page from "Breathnexus", a long poem about the beginning of the pandemic. I livestreamed a reading of this from my living room in May of 2020, posted on my YouTube channel here:

Currently reading this gem. Just finished the Joanne Kyger interview in which she talks about "the Homer Dome": a way of mapping her own life and experiences onto a Homeric narrative. "I liked the long human story going on...the things that make me feel common over at least ten thousand years. I'm part of the past romantics, and that is timeless and it's charming and it's breathing with the animals still." Next: Anselm Hollo!

yellow-mane bowers that bellow and scream
glowering over your head
cook for the pearl with the stunning versailles
and she’s dawn

pet me snake, you clown
cause I'm growing two
shrubbery seals

we're disparate
get shoes to eat
it's just mop hill

gasket mancrater benevolence threatens
mandibular attaché meltdown
zinger contusion is opportunity

Lead Stance

if fuchsia'd fall
into maya harms
and tram bull
like gov. flower

Yeah, I mean, poetry dies all the time, but what's the point of focusing on that when it comes back to life as soon as you open the other eye?

I livestreamed a reading from my living room last year of "Pandemic Summer", the first volume of my Hypnopompic Diaries series.

A poem from Apophenic Epiphanies, the third volume of my Hypnopompic Diaries series.

Steve Carll

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