@StephanieResists Beautiful garden layout! I've used cattle panel and tee posts for so many outdoor "buildings", from wood pile coverage to chicken coops!
@FoxFire I just built the 2 cattle panel trellis' and I now want more, lol. I also seen where someone yanked a damaged trampoline someone was giving away and they cut it in half and made a huge one.
@FoxFire That's what I need to do in a few spots. I'm doing all raised beds because I'm in the red clay dirt and I can't seem to get a damned thing to grow right in it. I also am in a 6+ acre spot and my front yard is the only spot that's not in the woods and shaded. I'm hoping to be able to walk under/through the trellis and pick my tomatoes, green beans, mouse melons, etc., no bending over and digging through the foliage.