My gf won’t stop dragging her tool shit in the house. This morning….
Me: WTF is this?
Her: leave it alone 😑
Me: Is this nails for a nail gun?
Her: yes, Brad nails, 18 gauge
Me: Oooo 18 gauge… put. It. In. The. Garage. 😑
@StephanieResists I hope, if anyone loves that man, they get him some help.
@Ignominious Tool man Taylor? What's up with him?
@StephanieResists lol my butterfingers. I meant to post that on your story about the guy that went on a rant against MTG and women who aren’t subservient to their men. I’ll get the hang of this eventually.😂
@StephanieResists Yeah, but the next time you need a wall put up or a new set of shelves.... you know you'll change that tune..
LOL! I get the same complaints from my wife about cables and electronics but occasionally.. only occasionally I am appreciated when 'I need a charging cable for my phone' is heard.