After the Vietnam war, there was an outcry to change the voting age because they were sending 18-year-old kids into war to die but they couldn't even vote, so they changed the voting age from 21 to 18. Now that we just had this election and it didn't work out well for the GOP, now they are coming for that 26th amendment of the constitution. Why? Because GenZ showed the hell up and voted.
@StephanieResists But a 17 y/o can buy an AR15. Typical GOP move
@justkindness and forced to birth babies at 10
@StephanieResists Please, please, please GOP. Put some real muscle behind this effort to cancel the youth vote. Take up the cause. Let’s see how it plays out.
@StephanieResists The 26th was very much the quickest Amendment to the Constitution getting Ratified within 30 days.