I'm not sure which I love more:
That there are just a multitude of former & current Trump Lawyers for the networks to go to for reactions.
That they all have incredibly distinct looks.
Does Former Trump Attorney Tim Parlatore not own a collared shirt?
Suits are on the way out for sure but if you're an attorney appearing on CNN... you should at least have some lapels.
It’s important to establish good will with your neighbors when establish a new company brand
#twitter illuminates the spot
I see a lot of hate here for CNN not conforming to the left's echo chamber. But they crushed this year's News & Doc Emmy Awards with 45 noms in 62 categories.
They have ❗ 9❗ times the number of noms as MSNBC. And, uh, well for Fox... Turns out, you can't multiply by zero.
BUT it still raises the point: is the TV News Media you're consuming award worthy & respected by peers?
Or does it simply repeat things you agree with?
This is disgusting. Having gone through my grandmother’s dementia in the last few years of her life, I can’t imagine having putting her on a stage.
Dems: you should be demanding she gets replaced.
It’s cruel for her, a disservice to her constituents & makes your party look like fools.
“ Asked to vote on the defense bill, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) begins giving a speech: “I would like to support a ‘yes’ vote on this. It provides …”
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA): “Just say aye.”
A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.