
Hi! I'm Alastair - by training, by trade, and nerd by nature. I also write (mainly but not exclusively ).

Born in the UK, I'm married with 2 adult children, and have lived north of Prague, Czech Republic, since the 1990s (I'm a bilingual dual national). I enjoy travelling, coffee and bad puns 🙂

You can find my published fiction and links through - enjoy!


Welcome Home !

One of the things you might have to get used to here, is there is almost no bullshit.

We have a huge base of expertise, on a very wide subject field.
From science, tech, art, music, philosophy, poetry, humor, and lots more.

Please ask any questions.

You will find Folks here like to share, and discuss, without being pedantic nor obnoxious.

Here is a users guide

Welcome to CoSo 🥰
Here is the User Guide:

Some suggestions:
Try # cosotips & @CoSoTips
CoSo community is built on hashtags, so look 👀 at the extensive list of in the guide.
Follow a few folks from the Firehose who interest you and settle into a friendly community.
Also, we love pet/animal pics. Here’s my cat saying ”stop with the pics” 🤣💕🤣

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