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Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors | Ars Technica

@voltronic I wonder what the ISPs have to say about that. This is like stealing cable, but, like, really public stealing.


@mcfate @voltronic

Just more proof for me that internet itself should be a public utility, like water, power and sewer, since it’s apparently going to be utilized like that now anyway.

@Siren_six @voltronic

Nobody's utilizing MY Internet that way.

But yeah, we should go back to having the Internet be government-owned, once they gave it up, the Neverending September began.

Today is SATURDAY, the 10133rd of SEPTEMBER, 1993.

You say that nobody is using YOUR internet that way, but I recall that we had a conversation about your combo gateway / Wi-Fi router. If you rent that thing rather than own it, you might want to check.


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