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Tonight while I was talking to my kid's teacher and he kept dead naming my kid, which is understandable, I said to him I need to stop you right now despite what just happened in North Carolina.
My kid's name is Alex. I will not discuss this further even though I know what's going on here."
My kid's teacher- "One of the other teachers just told me that if a student asks to be addressed by another name I need to contact the state so they can contact the parents."
"Yes you do."

If you're calling yourself an Ally then show up

Let people speak without hashtags because life is potentially upsetting.
I'm 52 goddamn years old and all of life is upsetting

Just let people be and speak their lives without yelling HASHTAGS.
Because you can always block.
But you shouldn't.

So here's what's going to happen here.
I have pinned my post about how white CoSo is.
Feel free to share it.
It's not cheating.
Because it's opinion.
Based on facts, but still.
It's pinned.
CoSo is white.
It's not a welcoming place for people of any color but white unless they talk about random things.
It is on everyone here to change that.

Here's what everyone should know about me.
When I was little a teacher accused me of letting a kid that I hated cheat off my test paper.
My mother went to school and said, "You can tell me that she doesn't turn in her work. You can tell me she doesn't listen. But you can not tell me she cheats. Especially with THAT KID.
Don't ever accuse my daughter of cheating."
That Kid was a Dick, but I never let anyone cheat off me.

I need to gently explain a thing to you.
If a person tells you that no one is your enemy and Everyone should just be loving for Everyone?
And angry is evil?
And Everyone should just get along?
They're a white cis het male person who has never had to fear for their life due to their existence.
Have a great night.

Over the past 11 days I realize that most of my smoking has been linked to my need to pace around.
I take the phone with me to pace.
This really sucks, folks.
I very much care for you, but my brain wants me to hotbox 20 cigarettes when I visit here.

I got my kid's teacher to PURCHASE Noises Off because he'd never seen it.
I win this day.

Me to the teacher- "I'm not usually that parent but you weren't aware that continuous shots are now called One-Shots, and my child has me as a parent.
However if my kid doesn't turn in the completed work feel free to issue a 0."
Teacher- 🤣😍🤣

Currently having a discussion about the Cult of Bill Murray with my kid's new, 45yo, white male "introduction to film" teacher via email, and he's saying, "Oh crap I never realized that," so do the work wherever you can.

Shelter boosted

“ It's absolutely being an HOA adjacent individual who polices activity and decor.
If you claim to be an ally and then sit here calling life experience politics? That's inherent racism.”

when you are inundated daily with the outrageous, speaking of it is not farming

I regret to inform the rest of you that I'm uncool.

Carry on as you must.

I apologize for the rest of my thread taking so long but the phone rang earlier and a man on speaker asked, "Hello, may I speak to *silence* (Kid's dead name)," and I said, "This is (his) mother and who the fuck are you?"
"Oh I'm so sorry, this is the film and physical science teacher. I thought I asked for the parents but I might be mistaken."
Me- "Are you on speaker? I'm sorry I dropped the F word on you. Let's talk."
Conversation was over an hour.

And no, white people. You're not going to be successful inviting your Black friends.
The few Black members of CoSo will spread the word when and if they feel safe enough.

So don't sit around discussing racism like it's a book club.
Make it a safe place.
And accept that you can't force shit.

Racism is not simply the Klan or using slurs.
It's absolutely being an HOA adjacent individual who polices activity and decor.
If you claim to be an ally and then sit here calling life experience politics? That's inherent racism.
And bigotry.
It's from a place of comfort where you'd rather not have to see these things.
Other people live these things.
You're never going to get a larger number of members here who are not white people until the white people here become safe.

Yesterday I watched white people here become more offended by the idea that they might be considered racist than they were by the daily racism that goes on here.
And then white people decided to make this a test for themselves.
That's unnecessary.
You don't have to discuss racism in depth every day.
You just have to NOT BE RACIST.

Not only is CoSo overwhelmingly white- but it's also overwhelmingly white people who call themselves allies except for when it makes them uncomfortable.
Don't use those words.
Please hashtag.
We welcome you! Just don't BE you.
That really fucking sucks, folks.
So THEN, a Black woman dared to start a conversation about this and white people white peopled.

People said that the racism conversation around CounterSocial should continue today and I agree. We'll get to the point.
So imagine that you're a person who has been historically unwelcome or forcibly removed from white spaces.
How do you think you would feel if you were trying to leave the space of a South African emerald slaver and you walked into a bottle of milk, essentially.
Yeah. CoSo is that white.

I'm not done dinner but my family is.
So I'm going to take bites between posts.
Have you ever looked at the Firehose and seen how white it is?
It's natural if you didn't notice.
Last October a lot of Black Twitter started feeling out other platforms and many of these people left here quickly.
Because it's white AF and wasn't a safe space. So let's take a moment to discuss safe spaces for Black people and other people of color in social media after I take a bite of my food.

I am doing this because y'all just drove one of my favorite human beings on here to take a break.
We all.
White people are the majority here, moreso than on this planet.
One of my favorite people just had to excuse herself politely, despite the fact that she shouldn't have to be polite.
So we're going to have what they call A Come To Jesus discussion here in the South that a ton of white people here are comfortable letting suffer.

I have to eat dinner and junk, but after I do and I clean up while formulating my thoughts as best I can I have some shit to say about the fact that CoSo is in fact SoWhite and my fellow white people here are responding to the SCRIPT when called out on it.
See you soon.
If you mute or block me beforehand that's okay.
Heaven forfend we're uncomfortable.

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