I just opened the refrigerator and saw the bag of clementines (gotta have one in each stocking) and AGAIN I was reminded that when my ggfather had the 1918 Flu he was given a prescription for oranges because they were so rare that regular ass people couldn't afford them.
He lived.
Tetanus killed him in his 60s.
People seem to be responding to this public service announcement, so here's my ggfather in about 1907.
His name was Reinhold Heinrich.
His influence is why his daughter quit school to work at GE in 7th grade instead of staying in the seamstress apprenticeship he wanted her to have.
His influence is why I am not afraid to fix anything except actual electricity.
That's my phobia.
He was kind and sweet.
And tetanus killed him.
Here's my ggmother who died when my grandmom was 11 because she had gallbladder surgery and threw a clot.
Guess what killed my mom?
She had vulvar cancer surgery and threw a clot.
Over 100 years later.
Y'all who have surgery and can walk?
Get up and WALK.
Because you don't want to be poo-pooing your discomfort and ending up dead.
There's tonight's PSA.
In two days my grandmom would be 117 and I am going to tell you about her.
Because she was #Autistic and amazing.
I was 15.
I'd been taking care of her after school since I was 12.
I appreciate that.
But my grandmom was my other mom.
She deserved way more than we were able to give, and I am mostly regretful that finding her put her in a nursing home where she was neglected and we couldn't get that solved.
I'm deeply grateful that my mom dropped dead.
I know that sounds terrible.
@Shelter No it doesn't. Truly. Or at least not on your part.
People don't have that reaction to their parents without reason, I know from experience.
My grandmother wasted away in a bed in an institution.
Both of her children ended up sitting down and dying suddenly.
I feel like she gave them that gift.
Even though her son was a dickhead.
I want my mom back, but I'm so glad she didn't ever suffer.
@Shelter That's so awful. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.