So this morning my younger son had an hours long rage tantrum, which triggered both myself and older kid into meltdowns and nearly shutting down, and my stimming today is very vigorous.
Not shutting down has been difficult. Thank you, Elton John concert.
But I'm so tired now.
So tired.
Younger son is acting like nothing happened.
Of course.
There's so little support for autistic parents who have autistic children.
@Shelter What few memories I have etched into my brain is like the one time the Psych Dr. Toed me to a chair and a few times my mom either sat on me or used her body as a human straight-jacket.
That is awful
@Shelter they say that typically bad memories often stay longer due to intense emotions. I don't know but they might have a point.
I think that's right.
@Shelter It is possible that I'm on that scale but we didn't have that diagnoses when I was a kid. These days I understand why my mom was so frazzled.