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Oh, I very much have got the hang of using this new . Tanzanian beans to help break it in and man does my house smell incredible.

Justin boosted

Pacific Northwest folks: In need of a recommendation for a quality Huckleberry jam. We don't get it in store here in the Midwest.

Any brands worth picking up?

I'm starting to believe that whole Jesus "HeGetsUs" campaign is actually an elaborate scheme to sate there real love, of feet.

ALL these ads are, are foot fetish porn. I'm not kidding, sit through a few of them and tell me I'm wrong.

shines, really shines when the story comes first, the exploration is tied to cities and the minigames are meant to be whimsical and woven in to push the narrative. Everything else is a disaster on which leaves what could have a masterpiece a pitted and ruined mess of an experience.

This project desperately needed an intuitive mind doing a untity of voice pass on it. It did not happen and it really shows.

We need more movies about Nazis getting killed, video games as well, comics, books, TV, you know what, just a whole load of nazi getting what's coming to them.

And when the Right leads with "You see, they hate you" through their pundits and media, ask why they are claiming they're nazis, but also, yes, we hate Nazis. Nazis are evil and vile and inhumane.

^^^the uncommitted was a progressive red herring that was transparent from the get go, but it's an election year and instead of working in overdrive for the last four years winning over the lion's share of voters with their political ideas and how they'll benefit everyone; they take the lazy route, find something in the primary to stomp their feet and then back off when it fails.

Then spends the next 4 years whining how they can't get their agenda done. Always the same song.

may be in my top 3 worst games of the past decade.

The minigames, for christsakes, EVERYTHING is a minigame! And they're not even fun! All of them are a chore and are created by, and I believe this, sociopaths.

may be the most abysmal follow-up title I have ever played in my near 40 years playing .

It is nothing but empty overworlds, cringe-inducing dialogue and chains of the worst mini games I may have ever played.

I, refuse to buy the conclusion, I do not care. I'll watch let's plays than ever sit through torture again.

1 out of 10, do not buy the hype.

Justin boosted

Biden's State of the Union address is a masterpiece of statesmanship not seen here since FDR: Stunned MAGA scoundrels sit frozen in the ice of their own hatred and cultist degradation;

Worst minigame in the history of videogames, piano playing in .

The people at Square are sociopaths I swear to god.

I'm trying folks, I really am, but man, is this game boring as all hell.

Nothing screams sad like 3 day old lettuce on a hamburger.

Seriously, how do you publicly recover after a 80+ year old guy takes the piss out of you with one single look. It was the equivalent of a Dad mocking a petulant child without having to say a single word.

That's the look of "Oh, you really have me scared, uh-huh. No way will I ever want to deal with you." Just dripping with sarcasm.

Justin boosted


Seriously, here, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

So Haley quit, but the damage to :Asshat: is on full display with Super Tuesday behind us.

He doesn't really have the massive and overwhelming support in his own party he'd like you to believe he has.

Biden on the other hand, minus the tantrum votes, has massive unity and support across the Democratic party.

Media gonna media and sell the doom and gloom, but it's anything but that folks. :Asshat: wins primaries, but shits the bed for general elections. 2024 will be no different.

Well, i'm gonna a wild guess that this is why has been a mess all day today.

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