A warehouse of supplies was discovered today in Puerto Rico by a man who did a Facebook live showing people what's inside.
I was stunned to see some of the pallets had been broken into. Someone or more than one person felt free to take what they needed (water, diapers, wipes) but didn't share with others. Was the purpose of holding items just sheer greed or cruelty?
More stocked warehouses have since been found.
Here's the Facebook live: https://t.co/mj7lkgpuDW https://t.co/aSzSvPy6pl
@Airborne_Frog Dude, I totally had one of those! It was the best!
@amarand I saw similar behavior in Chrome the other day. It ended up being my ad blocker. When I turned that off everything started working normally again.
@L_D_G I don't limit to winter only, but I do generally take the controller batteries dying as a hint that it's time to stop for the night.
Amazing JRDev quote from me today;
‘I can’t WAIT until I know what the fuck I’m talking about. This will happen in probs 4 years’
Man hijacks PDX monitor to play PS4.
@process Yeah, that's honestly why I'm still playing with MUDs rather than more modern kinds of games. I don't have to worry about art or sounds. I can just cut to the chase and play with game mechanics and simulation, which are the parts that I find fun. I've tried making more graphical games but I find it hard to get into it just with my own really bad "programmer art".
@process I know my 5 year old nephew is starting to get into Minecraft. In another few years when his reading is better I was considering trying to introduce him to how to write mods for it.
@process Well... MUDs are still around. It's not my project but I've been following a codebase called CoffeeMUD for many years. The code quality is pretty meh but it's decades old, still in active development, and has pretty much every feature you could want. You might get her started using the in-game editors which can do a lot. It's open source, so when you were ready you could move on to code. Multiplayer, so you could work on it together. It's an idea anyway.
I'm also writing down the conflicting ideas and putting them aside so that perhaps they can find their way into a different game some day in the future. We'll soon find out if this time I will finally make it past the point where I've gotten stuck every time before. Fingers crossed, cause I've got at least three MUDs worth of ideas. 8/8
I only became aware of this problem in the past couple of years and I only really started to address it on this current instance of Agony Forge when I started over from scratch last year. This time I have spent more time up front making these kinds of decisions about how my game world should work and writing them down so I stick with them. 7/8
I wanted all the best parts of my favorite MUDs, but with better AI and physics and realistic geometry and more intricate magic systems and procedurally generated everything and, and, and... To make matters worse, I was carrying conflicting ideas with me. I'd settle on one way of representing rooms (for example), implement it, then come back a few weeks later and tear it out again so I could do it completely differently. 5/8