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Here is what I am NOT hearing tonight:

Both the prosecution and defense agreed to the jury selection. 12 men and women. The trial was fair, as American jurisprudence dictates. After both teams argued their cases, the jury that BOTH TEAMS AGREED TO found Trnmp guilty of all counts.

34 felonies.

I had an epiphany tonight.

We have all been played on a grand scale. Not quite sure yet what to do with this realization.

I did not know I needed this tonight. So happy I was born in a different era of music than auto-tuned today.

Today, I am grateful.

Every new day is a bonus day.

Commit to the shot.

Manage the course.

Life isn't about golf, but golf can be an allegory for life.

(Refined from this past Sunday night wino thoughts.)

This is absolutely frightening. I do not know how we put this toothpaste back in the tube. It's not just Texas. (Texas Tribune via Yahoo News.)

I am grateful.

Every day is a bonus day.

Commit to the shot.

Manage the course.

Not .

Chauncey DeVega pens an absolutely frightening piece at Salon which emphasizes how much the 2024 presidential media-style "horse race" is enabling Trnmp's brand of Nazism in 2024. The pursuit of clicks and eyeballs is leading us down a path of no return.

Y'all are fun. I don't get that very much from most of social media. It's appreciated. Thanks for letting me watch (and I do, frequently) from a broke down car on the shoulder of the highway.

From xwitter:

1. Bullshyt
2. More bullshyt
3. 7 wood, 8 iron, 3 putt for double bogey
4. We're gonna have to build a bigger Club Fed.

It's the time in my life that I'm supposed to be cooling my political jets, not warming up for another sortie.

Serenity. A census of the pond indicated at least 15 turtles doing turtle things.

The next time you read or hear a House Republican say that they support a legislative initiative to prevent non-citizens from voting, throw this back in their face, whether in person or online. And tell them to 5TFU.

He allowed himself to be put in the limelight. Or at least his mother did. Open season commences.

Brain worms. Presidential porn stars. @phillies 24-12 at the quarter pole. 7 greens in regulation on the front 9. This might be the weirdest 48 hours I've ever experienced. I need to rest.🤯

There's a right side, and a wrong side. Or maybe there's neither.

All I can do is let God sort 'em out. It's not my place or station to do so. Sometimes it seems so weaselly to feel this way.

Apply this to whatever current event suits you.

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