@MotherDucker It's your space. Guests get what is allocated to them. Otherwise, go get a room at Motel 6.
IMHO, of course.
@1ofthesarahs As he should.
Meow. 😻
@kel There's fuckery about??
I had no idea.
Time for bourbon and beer. I'm supposed to go to a "Welcome, Fall!" party tonight.
{{checks the Hulu queue}}
@Evoldevol666 How the hell you doing, Edd? Glad to have you on board!!
@anniecoughlin Rim shot.
@peeppeepcircus @LnzyHou We've got 38 days to make it so.
The election concrete is pretty much cured at this point. Now, we've got to bring it home.
@Aviation_Librarian DC-9s, MD-88s - awesome flight platforms. I loved the skinny aisle (2 seats; either window or aisle, either worked fine without Jaba Da Hut in a three row middle seat).
@1ofthesarahs I'm thinking "death cat move" if you don't.
Give him the whole bag.
I can not get over this photo.
These two leaders will change the world.
We've been waiting for them. #KamalaHarris #Zelenskyy
@nursefrombirth Nope. Stand down.
@Jorro I listened to this NPR segment today. Awesome and fun.
@northernbassist G chord for two minutes.
Good for you. Never take people's musical instrument "I got something you want" shit. You likely don't need it. Get a deal, great. Otherwise, walk this way.
@akdblock I'm happy for you that it's just yard cleanup.
We made it through this one...
@WDEFAustenOnek Models nailed this one.
@DianeH It hits close to home for both of us.
@kel I really want one. Gonna start a GoFraudMe campaign to raise funds for my want. Link to follow.
USN SubVet who rode boats when they had fairwater planes. ⛳ enthusiast. Varsity-level liberal politics. Philly sports fan. Twitter refugee. #Floridaman