Shocker! Ryan is playing just as bad as he did in Atlanta

@Melissa_Chi11 Welcome. It’s okay because Maddux knows what he’s doing

@John_Scotus it’s my favorite of all the wall of sound songs and I didn’t know it wasn’t the crystals. Thanks for the info

@OracleSpirit I have no answer for that besides self defense but then I have never felt the need to have one for that purpose so I don’t know how valid it is.

Hear me out for a minute. I wonder if anyone has approached legal, mature, responsible gun owners about how to stop gun violence. They might have some good solutions.

@charlotteclymer I’ve never heard of cranberry pecan pie but it sounds delicious

Randi Weingartens hair is too pretty for her to be dangerous

This is the only place other than Facebook where I use my real name. I’m feeling good to be out from under the alias

@n8evans She’s wonderful and I agree that she would be a great President

@mikeflstfi And for use in the fireplace when the power goes out.

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