Shocker! Ryan is playing just as bad as he did in Atlanta

Hear me out for a minute. I wonder if anyone has approached legal, mature, responsible gun owners about how to stop gun violence. They might have some good solutions.

Randi Weingartens hair is too pretty for her to be dangerous

This is the only place other than Facebook where I use my real name. I’m feeling good to be out from under the alias

I want to hear more about Thomas James and Richard fierro and less about the suspect.

It might be a good day to bump up the heat a bit

Thank you for everything Speaker Pelosi

Damn man! People do take the bird way too seriously.

Somehow MAGAGA doesn’t sound as good as MAGAt. It just sounds pointless

Here we go again. We’re never getting rid of him. If only his party had balls

That marriage equality bill is weak. They threw it to the states to make a law

If warnock wins his runoff then manchin and Simema become less of a concern unless they both cross the aisle

The red tsunami flowed from the handmaids into a tiny spot on the floor. And they sighed

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