
Since this article is about my wife and me, I'll explain it to Mr. Ezratti.

? The "sandwich generation" taking care of both parents and kids?

We wanted to be better parents than our own. We are busy making money and that's good because of all the people who depend on us.

As a generation though, our pockets emptier for retirement.

"As the first generation move away from pensions in the private sector, Generation X’s savings problems foreshadow "

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN You are not the first generation to lose company pensions, we lost them in the late 80's. Also, every generation has decisions to make about living under their means to make it further forward. My daily driver is 13 years old.

@MidnightRider @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN

401Ks were never supposed to supplant pensions, only supplement them. The middle class has been dying since they decided every employee should hand their money over to the company to invest (yes, fundamentally, they pick the administrator) and hope they get it right, with no risk to the company, of course.

@Cosmichomicide @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Our pension plan was stellar but eventually invested into a 401K. If you made it past probation in my company and you started in the mid-sixties, unless you were a dick or lousy at your job you could stay till you wanted to retire; in fact in those days it was encouraged. This country has been "reverse robin hooding" my entire life because as more wealthy began to make the rules they made them for themselves, it's human nature.

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Wow, we’re finally seeing articles about this issue. There was talk about a Reddit page where people discussed this issue. Many talked about hoping for fatal diseases to hit them before their employability stopped or were looking for ‘Exit Strategy’ contingency plans when work is no longer possible and ends ability to afford basic needs. The next 20 years are going to be interesting.

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Social Security is going to become more important as people retire with little savings.

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