Since I’m bored in isolation, I did an at home test of my hearing using my iPhone and noise canceling headphones. My hearing is actually way above normal. However, one ear is stronger than the other, which is what I'm noticing. But I can stop worrying. Just because I'm used to having superhuman hearing and it's slightly less so on one side does not mean I need to do anything about it. I'm still a freak of nature.

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN You know those ultrasonic plug in things for scaring away bugs and mice?

I hear them.

I’ll try to use my powers for good.

@TheRealDelia @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Check out Shawn Woods' channel on YouTube. He tests these things and, of the ultrasonic rodent repellers he's tested, none were effective. Yes, the rats & mice can hear them, but they aren't bothered.

@POOetryma @SECRET_ASIAN_MAN Ha! They drive me insane! An ex of mine once plugged one in without my knowledge while I was away at work. Upon opening the door, I exclaimed “Oh hell no,” made a beeline for the kitchen, found it, and unplugged it immediately. He was in shock. “Whaddya mean ‘It’s too loud”? You’re making that up.” Uh…no. It’s friggin’ painful.

@TheRealDelia People aren't supposed to be able to hear that. You seem to be an exception; thus it bothers you a LOT more than it does the rodents. Check out his "Mouse Trap Monday" videos, where he tests various commercial traps, contemporary and antique, and shows you how to rig up a very effective trap for super cheap using stuff you likely have in your kitchen. 🙂

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