What’s the difference between a nudibranch and a sea slug?

Until I read a gorgeous new book on nudibranchs by Tim Nicholson I didn’t think there was a difference. Not so. All nudibranchs are sea slugs but not all sea slugs are nudibranchs.

Sea slug is the common name for any marine gastropod without a visible shell (slug-like rather than the snail-like) including sea hares & nudibranchs. A nudibranch is 1 type of gastropod among many.

Book review is at news.scubatravel.co.uk/whats-t

@SCUBATravel Did you ever hear of SeaLink? I used to work for them.

@SCUBATravel LOL There's a SeaLink Ferry system in the UK, how funny. No, it was the first real time online reservation system for scuba world wide. I was their marketing manager so of course I had to try out the facilities before we listed them hehe

@SCUBATravel I remember going to Market Place, bitd, on Grand Cayman in my tank n shorts with my lap top <sigh>

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