What’s the difference between a nudibranch and a sea slug?

Until I read a gorgeous new book on nudibranchs by Tim Nicholson I didn’t think there was a difference. Not so. All nudibranchs are sea slugs but not all sea slugs are nudibranchs.

Sea slug is the common name for any marine gastropod without a visible shell (slug-like rather than the snail-like) including sea hares & nudibranchs. A nudibranch is 1 type of gastropod among many.

Book review is at news.scubatravel.co.uk/whats-t

@SCUBATravel spinal injury... can't haul around the tanks anymore. I suppose I could do a resort course but that's not real fun.

@SCUBATravel Did you ever hear of SeaLink? I used to work for them.

@SCUBATravel LOL There's a SeaLink Ferry system in the UK, how funny. No, it was the first real time online reservation system for scuba world wide. I was their marketing manager so of course I had to try out the facilities before we listed them hehe

@SCUBATravel I remember going to Market Place, bitd, on Grand Cayman in my tank n shorts with my lap top <sigh>

@SCUBATravel It was the late 90's and no one else did it, but we did. Well, until the dot com crash for a couple of years we hung on but... we sunk like an old boat. I continued to dive, though until the accident.

@SCUBATravel b4 the crash I had just signed up club med, n I was about to check out resorts in Fiji n Greece but alas it's the economy. None of the scuba groups were traveling, everything shut down. I stayed on this side of the globe until we folded.

@SCUBATravel It was pretty surprising though, Club Med had some highly rated dive masters and destinations. They weren't as trendy in the 90's and were trying to make a come back anyway they could. I was really looking forward to touring their facilities and offerings.

@SCUBATravel devastating... went back into radio and then over to TV...bumped along in that for years until all those got gobbled up by large national corps, then said screw this went back to school and ended up in medicine working with a surgeon, then invitro, then the spinal injury. I gave up and retired LoL

@SCUBATravel the surgeon I worked for was in women's healthcare (we didn't perform or do abortions). I figured I would go into a specialty practice for invitro fertilization since this was a huge issue for women and their partners. It was a good move, logical, and I was interested more in working in the lab vs patients.

@SCUBATravel change is good! Throughout my career and life I've endeavored to help people. Whether it was in information/news, or the medical field. I've had a very exciting, rewarding life. I wouldn't change a thing.

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