@The_USA_Singers You would think that would be a no brainer.
@corlin I've got both. And a take to the used bookstore pile for credit.
If Enterprise wasn't the only forced car rental at the time and I wasn't in distress when I needed a rental...I return the car to my city location because driving it back to where borrowed during Dorm checkout was too stressful. And yeah pretty sure they're going to report it stolen. I called twice yesterday to tell them where I was going to return. Come on receipt. Email it to me.
@hanse Depends on what you order...Stay away from the Jello unless you like sugar free. Pack your own ketchup England charges for that. And it's pop not soda.
@Lovechild444 you cannot pivot that. And yes.
@Dbot Free speech is burning the American Flag. Not going to class, not studying is their adult choice. Harassing fellow students now that's a problem.
@nevikjames Depends on if it worked how early in the game.
@YouInMyEye My choice of Antiperspirant decided to change their formula making me smell way too human for a future June 5k, all I want to do is not smell that bad.
@MookyTroubadour My $10 (out of area) library card gets me many audiobooks.
@Treebugz It is best for Sprained Ankle just to keep doing activities...unless in pain...
@Bix Yes, lets serve a known person to have guns at home...logic says will be armed at home better to serve not on his property.
@lifeinthePNW I want him to take out the court bathroom trash and clean toilets.
@dauphin87 Remember he'll vote.
@Lulz4l1f3 If our military wants shiny new toys then they need to make room for them. I would rather Ukraine gets them than giving military surplus to cops.
@LlamaMountainStudioArts I can see that.
@MichaelTalon Is she the one that apologized over the Melania plagiarism?
@LlamaMountainStudioArts I don't care either until utilities have to replace a pole and the neighbor has a fence in their way.
@DarksideStraxus It doesn't work to tell kids stranger danger when the more dangerous one is the priest on Sunday.
Weird Navy Brat
Time to elect more Democrats Tennessee