You have marveled at the first released infrared photos from the JWST.
Now read about the tech used to get those detectors to work.
This is just one of the spectacular engineering feats, this telescope pulled off.
The Cryocooler
Lovin the images JWST has captured so far cant wait for all the other images that will come from this telescope
So excited for the James Webb first telescope images.
How do deal with 521 errors, a primer:
1. When browsing CoSo, you notice a little "521" bubble in the bottom left corner.
3. Wait about a minute. You will see a few more 521's.
4. Then you will see a few 502's.
5. A few moments later, CoSo is usually back online. #CoSoTips
Another of my favorites. Drove out into the desert in the middle of the night to catch the milky way rising.
Due to the length of exposure needed, I didn't see the light reflecting off the smoke until I got back to the hotel.
Working on majoring in Chicano/as studies and Mex/Amer studies