
Well, I signed up for and am planning on attending all days.

A line in the code of conduct struck me as odd:

"If someone tells you no or asks you to leave them alone, you are expected to cease your interaction"

Of course, makes perfect sense. Followed by:

Because people may feel uncomfortable saying no or asking you to leave them alone, the absence of no is not sufficient to assume consent

?? How will I know? I should talk to no one, in case?

In all honesty I'm a borderline recluse anyways so I'll likely not talk to people out of habit. I'm also known for being good at reading people but I can't read minds.

That doesn't change that the impetus to know if someone else is silently offended lay with the speaker. That seems an impossible task. Am I expected to know the details of every religion and culture so as not to silently offend?

@RileyNorman If they use their teacher/librarian/mom glare (you know the one), you'll know.

But seriously, one wonders.

@bloodravenlib Perhaps they are trying to avoid people having to specifically call out things that offend them and leave room for exactly that.

I realize I'm nitpicking too. Perhaps my specificity obsession is taking hold ;)

@RileyNorman Well, to an extent one does wonder because unless you read minds, and they do not at least signal somehow, one can't know. One should not be expected to guess (I would think but then again, in these times, who knows).

@bloodravenlib My brain would have an easier time processing "We reserve the right to kick anyone out for any reason whatsoever"

That I can very easily comprehend and subsequently agree with. 🙂

@RileyNorman , I'm guessing getting explicit consent for photos, close contact, etc., is what they're trying to say. "May I x ?"

@LadyZurk Ahh, that does make sense. I've never been to anything like this so frankly I have no idea what happens.

so this is when you tread carefully. b/c you haven't heard a 'no' don't assume 'yes' & full steam ahead!

what is their body language saying? are they closed off, looking uncomfortable, not meeting your eyes, is they're body turned away from you?

give them space. if someone isn't giving you an enthusiastic yes or yes in general, politely move on. doesn't mean you don't talk to anyone. just that you continue talking to those who want to talk w/ you.

make sense?

@singlemaltgirl Yes. Honestly, I didn't take into account that it would be filled with fans acting as fans sometimes do. Crowding people and the like. I've never been to any convention and certainly not something like this. I perhaps missed that they have additional concerns than I'm used to.

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