DRAGGED on your $44 BILLION purchase. I got real LOL feels over there just now with β€˜Poor Elon’ trending. screenshots so you don’t have to.

PSA - We are aware of extended page-load times affecting *some* users when they initially land on the primary interface.

We're investigating and aiming for a fix... today.

@RileyNorman @RichieNarvaez

This (pic below) is also a feature worth checking out: (The toggle switch here in the column settings).

With it you can add multiple tags to a single column.

Very useful as some will use , some , some etc, and you probably want to see their posts too.

Importantly you can also filter out posts that contain hashtags you don't like along with one or more you do, using the "none of these" setting.

It's important to note that, if something DOES form in the Caribbean, the same factors favoring intensification also decrease predictability.

In other words, weak upper level winds make it easier for storm to intensify BUT also mean it's tough to figure out where it'll go.


He really says he took a publicly owned social media company private, taking full control of it, "with humility"

I'm a bit stupefied at the lack of self-awareness typing that out would require.


So far, has been more studious than celebratory. I was a little looking forward to celebratory though I **need** studious ;) I've been to some very inspirational panels. One today about getting to a debut really has my gears turning. Mostly about what I need to do vs what I've actually been doing :p

Monumental day for us... we held our debut comic in our hand and it actually looks, feels and reads like a legit one πŸ˜‚ πŸ’–β€πŸ’– feels like full circle from our childhood of making little picture books we sold to our family xD ❀ πŸ’™ πŸ’œ β™₯

I've had this vision of how much I'd written of part 3 but I knew I lacked the major choreography to close it. Leaving that alone, I worked on rewrites of secs 1 & 2 making great progress. Inspired with what I need, I finally revisited sec 3 only to find I hadn't written nearly as much as I'd remembered and what was there is garbage. Absolute garbage. Between that and reality, life has been sucked out of me. Inspiration still burns though. Must get back to it...

After listening to my stories with text to speech, I have to look up desert or dessert each time I use them... 😟

The lyrics are almost physically painful, triggering, and mesmerizing. The guitar work is brilliant, like little I've heard. My top 1 or 2 songs ever depending on the day. It brings me to tears but I cannot stop listening.


Red wine and dwelling on the past probably isn't a great idea but the wine is delicious and the music ain't bad


I think I invented a word 😜



Unfortunately, my book of morphemes is 20 years gone

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Riley Norman

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.