@Myth_Kat hot sauce prisoner?Or peritoneal prisoner?
Either way my brain has now made twelve more unrelated connections!
@PatriceORourke yes
With #scotus just willy-nilly rolling back laws and protections to make the christo-fascists happy, I've lost all respect for it. Completely. Why do we even have it? It's obviously just another non-impartial political body designed to keep the minority in power over the majority. It seems so trite now. Pathetic. Absurd. A joke. Why did we ever take SCOTUS seriously to begin with?
One time a pair of JWs came to my door and started asking me questions, I don't think my answers were fitting with their script as they got flustered. Then my German shep noses his muzzle between the door and frame and was all "who the fuck are you!? What the fuck are you doing here!?!" as doggos do with their barking. He was loud and showed teeth and slobber.
The JWs then got all big eyed, didnt even run away, and said "whoaaaa you have a talking dog! That's so cool!"
These chairs will be the next vaporwave nostalgia icon.
Any #artistsonsoco remember oekaki boards?
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Odd how this public garden walking path doesn't allow dogs, yet there are no signs or anything on the website saying anything about dogs. I had to ask a security guard if dogs were allowed, the only one I could find halfway into the garden. He didn't even know, had to ask a supervisor. My pup and I left before he could pee on any tulips :c
How many people would go out fishing for the first time in their lives just because they were told they couldn't?