
I admit, I tried X again awhile back and I gave up.

Here is to remembering when "Twitter" was just a nice place to be and share things before it became a Battlefield of Facts vs Disinformation, all because Elon threw temper tantrums over his posts being flagged.

And since there were a lot of MAGAts, Alpha Males, Stepford Wives, Kool-Aid drinkers, J6 Deniers, Neo-Nazis, & my favorite... "Christian Straight Men"... this was my last post 13 seconds before Midnight & Deactivating.


The X formerly bird was a centrifuge of enormously suffocating destructive mind and soul poison way before Muck took it over from 2015/2016 I’d say and will remain that if he leaves it as his grotesque imprint is all over it now.

That he was actually able to make it even worse more horrific than it already was is mind-boggling. But a testament to his incompetence and delusions and just plain old shittiness as a person.

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