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Who looks at this and says "THAT'S what we want in a nominee!"

Oh, right... Republicans do.

Heh. After posting on twitter for the first time since he was banned, is now panicking that people will leave his own flailing social media site and frantically insisting he won't go anywhere else.

A conman, but not a good one (except to the cultists determined to be conned).

Ah, the cult propaganda line hardens. "THAT LOOK! That look means he'll destroy anyone who stands against him!"

No, that look means he's a cartoon villain who can't handle reality.

Bolton, who started telling the truth about TFG after it directly mattered, is of course right. TFG planned this look because he thinks it helps him achieve power.

He's right about the base. And the Rs again have no concept of appealing to anyone beyond the base.

My lord. They're right. 's mugshot does look like Vigo the Carpathian.

A caricature of evil looks like TFG's reality.

So this one is clearly real.

No doubt he thinks he looks terrifying and that all will bow before him - his perpetual strongman dictator fantasy.

In fact he looks terrified, and trying desperately not to. Terrified and consumed with infant rage that the fate that would befall anyone else in his place is actually befalling him.

He even reported 240 pounds in Manhattan, earlier this year. Good lord.

Gee, lied again.

They're letting the defendants self-report height and weight.

Apparently he's still growing and is more svelte than ever.

The Rs really aren't bothering to hide their true alignment anymore.

Ah, the legal geniuses representing and his co-conspirators.

It never seems to occur to them that the prosecutors are ready for their antics.

Which means the biggest winner is Biden. Not that the media would ever frame it that way.

Aw, nerts. I was hoping we'd get a real height and weight on . Oh well.

Well, the Russian government has officially declared Prigozhin a victim of the "crash."

I would think we can take it as read that he was aboard... unless they actually killed him somewhere else and the plane is a cover-story (unlikely, but not impossible).

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