My only response - for now - to the latest McConnell mini-seizure (or whatever exactly it is) is that he needs a full medical workup and a transparent diagnosis - for his own sake, for his constituents, and for the country.

It's entirely possible this is something that should lead to resignation. But first, there has to be information. If it's something treatable or manageable for now, fine. But it's happened at least twice now, and there have to be answers.

@RationalLeft I'm sure there has been a diagnosis etc already. His party elders are not the least surprised this is going on. They don't want him forced out so they can squeeze Manchin for more Dem blocking. We just aren't being kept in the loop.

And while I do, generally, respect rights to medical privacy, his position demands transparency. Like, you couldn't have his condition and be the pilot of a plane.


@TrueBloodNet I have no idea if he's had the sense to get a proper diagnosis or if he's dodged the doctors. God knows I've known far too many people who'd do the latter in the same situation.

But yes, this is a matter of immediate public concern. He can't be in that position and keep it private.

@RationalLeft I'm going by how the leaders near him reacted when he froze the first time. They were not shocked.

I agree a lot of folks try to hide from facing issues. This may all be a result of his concussion. Shrugs. We have a right to know.

@TrueBloodNet There were reports it had happened at least once before that, yes.

@TrueBloodNet And yes, it could trace to the concussion. But even if it does, that would suggest he needs more aggressive medical intervention. And if that's what's happening, he needs to have a doctor inform the public.

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