This latest conspiracy theory is one of the dumbest yet. If such emails exist, they obviously weren't created to evade detection, as one would - with burner phones, secret servers etc. - if acting nefariously. Because then they *wouldn't be included in the National Archives!*

I mean, the right-wing rant is "this MUST be where Biden hid his corrupt dealings and ran the global crime operation through Hunter!"

And then he included it all in his official papers?

@RationalLeft They know they're full of shit. Part of why they say things like that is so we'll have an apoplexy, and it clearly works. We fall for it every time.

@AskTheDevil Actually, their chief goal is to goad the wider media into treating their conspiracy theories as legitimate.

In recent years, they've usually failed, but not always.

@RationalLeft I think they've succeeded quite enough to do damage. And the fact that most "news" media has profit as their mission, not "news" makes it easier and easier all the time.

Outrage and upset makes people look at articles, and that sells ads.

So why not have some Bozo on claiming that Hurricanes are because Jesus hates Ellen DeGeneres, or that climate change is fake. Or that it's called "climate change" instead of global warming.


@AskTheDevil Enough to do damage? Yes. The media loves a "cloud over a D" insinuation game.

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