Aaaaand my BIL has fallen down the MAGA (Canadian Edt) rabbithole.

Check your people. Some of them are easy marks.


@holon42 @BosmangBeratna because people who support this shit have shit for brains and will always have shit for brains because they will never know any better. Pathetic that lots of people cannot think anymore.

@Punisher1976 @BosmangBeratna

it's easy to say that, but it doesn't get to the root of why they're duped. without knowing that, there's no way to reverse the mindset, or to prevent more people from being conned.

it leaves us with a hostile attitude, not helpful.

it is tempting 🙄

@holon42 @BosmangBeratna Because they see a reflection of themselves in that orange dipshit because he voiced their “anger” and emboldened their hate and the idea that they are all so “put upon”. These people obviously lack any kind of self-esteem or intelligence because they just go off of anything his fat ass says. Honestly, I truly believe it’s lack of brains and lacking the ability to love fellow human beings. Being wired into a cult which is what they are doesn’t help.

yes, i agree that's what's happening. and that it's a manifestation of the basest traits of Homo sapiens.

but, there are conditions that
made it possible for him to tap into that source of negative energy. he's no magician, conjuring it up out of nothing.

if there weren't a two tier justice system, for example, he would have been stopped long ago. he's been thumbing his nose at the law and decency for decades.

as is elon now, and others..

he's a con man, another Manson.

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