Good morning from Philadelphia where it will be 97 degrees today. I think I’ll do laundry.

@PhillyBella Will you crawl in the washer to take a spin to cool you down😜 ???????

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand We wash almost everything in cold water. It saves electricity.

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha I live by the mantra 'clothes aren't clean unless they're boiling in hot water.'😱

@ReneeVoiceBrand @Oma_Trisha I remember wringer washers with steam coming out of the clothes.

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
Our wringer was -- What, ceramic?

The handle and part of the frame on mine were made of wood, & there was no paint left on them or the metal due to the constant onslaught of water. The outside of the tub had spots where the paint had flaked off as well. I think it was 50 years old when I got it. I didn't care. The only other machine I ever had that came close to doing as good a job was one of the original front loaders - not the late '90s version (I hated those).


@Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand I prefer top loaders but front loaders seem to be more prevalent today. Agree about the benefits of a wringer washer actually.

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand

The seals on the new front loaders are horrid. Even if you dry them with a towel in between washings, eventually they build up so much mildew you have to replace them. I had to do it twice in 4 years with the front loader we owned in Missouri.

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