@duglop hahahahaha
@piquant00 happy birthday to your son. Is he married. Haha j/k(sorta)
@Madken65 whoa. That is stunning! The sun was soooo orange this morning. I was driving so couldn’t get a real good pic of it.
@IrelandTorin thank you for this. It’s nerve racking but I have to put my big girl pants on and take that leap.
@pendrag morning!
I see this guy on my bus and I am not sure if I should ask him out. I am just not sure if he’s married. He’s a construction worker and cute and I see him stare at me and I try to smile but I get so shy I am just not sure if I should take another risk and make the leap as I don’t know if I can deal with another rejection lol. I mean my ego is not so bruised but not sure how I’ll react if he tells me anything other than yes lol.
So in my adult life I have asked two men out. I thought they were interested in me and I took that HUGE risk and asked them out. Both times I was told NO! So I am sooo hesitant to ask any more out just because, I for sure, thought they had interest in me and for them to say no bruised my ego to no end. So for many years I refused to take that leap again (I give you guys credit cuz it sucks to hear no)
@Liliki dang. Those are some pretty big puppy paws. So cute!!
@Gladari who knows if they have a case but either way. Ahahaha
@piquant00 sad part is I truly thought today was Wednesday
@pendrag 👋 hi. Things are going better for me. Thank you for asking. Sometimes I have to vent it out in order for me to move on. If I keep it inside it festers then well my anger gets out of control. And honestly at my age I’m tired of getting angry over EVERYTHING. Lol. It’s a sunny Tuesday and had a great workout now off to work and hopefully will have an even better day😎💪🙃. How have you been?
Just pre-ordered the Twisters 🌪 #movie since we don't go to the theaters anymore. Pretty excited! #NoSpoilers! 😂
@th3j35t3r I’m glad every investor is losing every penny they invested.
@TomeReader you hit the nail on the head. How is anyone going to know the tru number of ppl
Who logged in and listened. He’ll say the number is in the millions. But his worshippers will believe what they are told. So why bother ya know.
Just a girl from Queens trying to live the dream!
Oh and I’m an Ordained Minister here for all your marriage & christening needs.