I keep seeing all this stuff on protests, etc.

What I know is this. Israelis have every right to exist, Palestinians have every right to exist. All Life has the right to exist.

My ultimate focus is finding ways we can all live in peace. I don't want to hate anyone and I don't want to put more hate in the world.

I don't have all the answers. I don't know how to make up for generations of hatred, and rage, and people killing people, but I know it all starts with just one person deciding to do something different.

So let it start with me. Let me be at least one source of compassion and forgiveness in the world. Maybe others will see and join in, and suddenly its a movement, then its a wave, and suddenly the world is changed.


@NiveusLepus That gentleness in your spirit that kindness has a ripple effect on the people around you. It's hard to live as one person with all that's going on right now, but you provide a guiding light for those that are lost in their own darkness. Namaste my friend. Namaste.

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