Male-attracted peopleof CoSo
Has an unsolicited nude from a strange male ever enticed you to initiate contact with the poster?

(Edited because I'm a dolt)

@0x56 I'm the sort that basically says if you want to show me, wait until I get to know you little first. Lol

@PaganMother @0x56 Same. Once I get to know you, sure, ask me if you can send lewds and I'll probably say yes.

Unsolicited, best case scenario, I block you. Worst case, I share it with various people, make fun of you, then block you


@lenaoflune @0x56 Oh there was this account on Twitter that I followed that did that, any pic that she got or was sent her away. She would post it on Twitter and just absolutely rip them apart. A lot of people thought that she was a bit brutal, but you know if you have something like that shift in your face, you'd probably want to do the same.

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