To explain why this is bad, and how this impacts rural americans as well as transfolk, this impacts anyone that receives medical care, therapy, or treatment that requires prescription fills at all. This is needed care provided for people unable to travel due to illness, due to transportation issues and many other reasons. But this also provides care for transfolk unable to travel without drawing ire from transphobes and hate groups. Are we really about to do this? #LGBTQ #Politics 2/2
@PaganMother Here's some additional information and a letter written tot he DEA by a physician who provides gender affirming care:
@Iresine Thank you for that, I was wondering if there was more to the tip than just hearsay.
I would recommend anyone that receives telemedicine treatment, to please leave a public comment, anon or named, on the regulation proposed changes. It's not clearly worded enough to define what telemedicine options are to be effected, and does not clearly note what more this will do, with an open ended language. /noscrub