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I'm trying to drain the pool cover & the tornado sirens are deafening.


Elton John - "Madman Across the Water" (Elton John, Bernie Taupin) (1971, BBC Sounds For Saturday)

U.S. Sanctions 3 Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Helping Russia Evade Sanctions

"As the Kremlin seeks to leverage entities in the financial technology space, Treasury will continue to expose and disrupt the companies that seek to help sanctioned Russian financial institutions reconnect to the global financial system."

Brian E. Nelson, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

There were 2 significant power losses on the container ship that hit the bridge that caused a lack of control


“NBC News plans to drop former Republican National Committee boss Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor after network stars including MSNBC primetime headliner Rachel Maddow and the co-hosts of “Morning Joe” blasted the decision to bring the Trump-backing politico on board, according to a report.”

Peeps maybe should start thinking about which credit card they are using.
You may have to pay more at checkout when using your Visa or Mastercard

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