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some states were specifically incorporated to get more senators to help Presidents get laws passed

Yes. we need a do over. Kind of federal level gerrymandering

James O'Keefe gets another Gay WH employee to say bad things about Biden & Harris.😜


'When asked why a Kamala Harris presidency would send chills down her spine, Nikki Haley says it’s because the first black president in our country “caused division.”
And so that’s why ‘we can’t have another one.’
That’s what she’s saying.'

bird video

I taught my younger sister who Sly & The Family Stone was today.
She asked me if they were big back in the 60s & 70s.🙄

Your Daily xkcd

US Survey Foot

{ Subway refuses to answer my questions about whether it's an International Footlong or a US Survey Footlong. A milligram of sandwich is at stake! }

One of my wife's sisters got her a set of christmas coffee cups.
I heated some water for instant coffee in one in the microwave.
I have two badly blistered fingers now and the coffee cups are in the trash now.

Live : Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2024 | January 4
Early each January, the Quadrantid meteor stream provides one of the most intense annual meteor displays, with a brief, sharp maximum lasting only a few hours. via @YouTube

49ers looking bad-ass again today.
Just beating up on the Tampa Bay Bucks.
I almost feel sorry for Mayfield.

Home made fried apple pies.
Not as good as the ones mom used to make, but still pretty awesome.

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, abortion-related propositions have been on the ballot in:


Anti-abortion groups lost each time.

The people are speaking loud and clear: They want reproductive freedom.

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