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You and Aurora Aksnes, from Bergen, Norway, have something in common, then. She has that superpower, too.

I was recently reminded of this: We played a 2 hour set live on air for a fund raiser for KFAI radio in Mpls, MN back in 1979.

blurry photos due to the very dim lighting in the Walker Church where KFAI was based at the time...

Oh, Amazon seller.

$19.97 for one, or $39.97 for two?

"Whaddaya think I AM, DUMB or somethin'!?" — Singin' in the Rain

Whatever happened to that George Clooney documentary about Ohio State & the molested students that was supposed to be released last year? Are they going to wait until Jim Jordan is speaker to release it?
Did they get pressed to never release it?

President Dwight Eisenhower expressing astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence);

Just shocking 😜

Starting today, every household can order another free round of COVID tests – shipped straight to your door.

Head to to order yours.

Sad, agent Illya Kuryakin gone.


David McCallum

I remember when that came out, our local radio station asked people's opinion about what Dylan meant by the lyrics.

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