
Star Wars - Andor is better than The Mandalorian.

I said it.

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@OPSVeracity Its difficult for me to actually choose one.

Both are dark, slight edge to Andor though.

Both are personable- means they get into the character and for good or bad , you care what happens.

Im actually pleasantly surprised at Disney on these series including Obi wan also

@AkomoCombine it's hard to choose I agree - both are solid art pieces, but for me Andor's characters have more depth, this is due to the acting - just better in my odd opinion

@MakerWerks they are, but Andor to me just shows more depth - more realistic to it's core story

@OPSVeracity I see it more like trying to compare two motor vehicles. One is a 2 seater sport coupe and the other a double-decker bus. The only real commonality between them is they're wheeled vehicles that transport people. I like both series.

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