Via John Pavlovitz
Not Voting For Joe Biden Isn't Penalizing Joe Biden
We all have a story we tell ourselves, a narrative about who we are and what matters to us.
It is the carefully curated working mythology of our daily lives that helps direct our decisions and fortifies us in seasons of adversity.
That story can act like a True North in disorienting days like the ones we find ourselves tumbling through in this moment.
@BrazenlyLiberal @NorthernInvader True fact, well stated. I had a vacation fund, designed to leave for one last vacation before November. But life got "lifey" as life does. I'm still hoping to go on what might be the last vacation before the onslaught of debauchery celebrated as god sent by many.
@MidnightRider @NorthernInvader
Good luck!
@BrazenlyLiberal @NorthernInvader Thanks, I have a journey and work ahead that is ambitious. Hopefully it's going to be all good.
You are underestimating the people that question Biden's Israel policy. Nobody thinks that Biden caused the Middle East conflict or that he could solve it. But Biden is sending billions of dollars to a genocidal sociopath that is killing thousands of innocent children. I totally understand that for many people, that is reason enough to stay at home on election day. Biden has to change his position towards Netanyahu.
No, it's not penalizing Joe Biden. It's penalizing the rest of us who will have to live in Trump's dystopian nightmare.