This might not be a popular idea but I want to toss it out there.
It's a thought experiment. I am neither in favor or dead-set against the idea.
For all of our lives and for thousands of years we've been used to the concept of nations, countries. Western Europe is an alliance, like Africa.
What if America became another Europe? What if this one continent, in between Mexico and Canada, there existed several small countries. Why do we have to insist that the nation stay unified?


@Jeber basically the arc the US is on now that would be the most likely path towards avoiding a civil war.

@NorthernInvader @Jeber it wouldn't avoid *war* though-- just the semantic "civil" part of it. there would still, most definitely, be war

@NorthernInvader disagree. as a leftist living in a red state in the reddest part of the country my entire life-- the only thing keeping war at bay is the federal union. when Q nutjobs hold the highest offices of a state, the only thing keeping them from declaring war on their blue neighbors (& residents) is the fear of the US military and limits on state power.

if the union dissolves, texas and florida would become fascist dictatorships and everything that entails.

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