
I’m enjoying this show. Grew up in a mining area, Gdad was a powder monkey all over ID, NV and CA. In the 80s I married into a 3rd gen weekend mining family for a decade. We mined every weekend all summer long.

You can learn most of what you need to know to make a little or a lot of money watching America’s Backyard Gold.

This video tells you what’s needed to pan for gold for the first time. The one on tv now is from Placerville, they’re sniping for gold.


My husband is obsessed with this right now. Me, not so much 😂

@Eulimnadian it’s damn hard work! I liked being a camp gal, keeping the refreshments and encouragement flowing. But if you know what to look for you can do ok. Plus the country is beautiful.

But did I say it’s hard work yet??


Yeah I'm not going to participate in this one! 😉😅

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